Tuesday, 12 December 2017

How to Remove Oil from Tile and Grout

Even though tile floor is a hard and a tough floor, but on the other hand it is porous as well as the grout. And because of this, oil can absorb and engage in such kind of floors. And the grout that is present between the tile floors is able to discolor them because of its grease. Accidently spilling and falling of oil on the tile floor is going to leave dirty grout as well as discolored. On the other hand, it is not required to practice the special cleaners. Household products are used for a good scrub and soak that are going to solve the problems.

Following are the methods of how to remove oil from tile and grout.

Procedure: No: 1:

How to remove oil from tile and grout by using Chlorine Bleach

Material Required:

•    Rubber gloves
•    Safety goggles
•    Bucket
•    Liquid chlorine bleach
•    Large spoon or paint-stirring stick
•    Soft toothbrush or nylon-bristle brush
•    Mop
•    Oxygen bleach
•    Grout sealer (optional)


Step: No: 1:

In the first step, goggles and rubber gloves need to be put on.

Step: No: 2:

One gallon of water is poured down into the container.

Step: No: 3:

Now, ¾ cups of liquid chlorine bleach is added into the water. Then, a paint-stirring stick or a large spoon is used to stir.

Step: No: 4:

A nylon-bristle scrub brush or a soft toothbrush is dipped in the water and then, the grout is scrubbed in the smaller sectors or sections.

Step: No: 5:

Bleach solution is left on the tile floor for about half an hour. Now, the floor is mopped by using clean and plain water.

Procedure: No: 2:

How to remove oil from tile and grout by using oxygen bleach


Step: No: 1:

A scoop of powdered oxygen bleach is mixed in a hot water tap. A paint-stirring stick or a large spoon is used to stir it till the powder dissolves.

Step: No: 2:

Water is poured down all over the floor. A substantial amount is used in order to soak and saturate the grout totally.

Step: No: 3:

The mixture is left all over the tile floor for at least 30 minutes. When it dries you need to re-wet it. The grout is kept saturated and soaked.

Step: No: 4:

A nylon-bristle scrub brush or a soft toothbrush is dipped into the container that contains the bleach water and then, the grout is scrubbed in the smaller sectors or sections.

Step: No: 5:

Now, the floor is mopped by using clean and plain water.

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